ELL2 by Sean on January 25, 2016 Chapter: Everybody Loves Lana Liked it? Take a second to support Sean on Patreon!
Should’ve had the cameras play Lana porn, then you know the viewers will be fatally distracted no matter what happens around them.
Works every time! 😀
Thin goatees, tattoos and earrings seems to be the fashion so far with these guys.
I suppose if one is in a gang of thugs, one would have to coordinate fashion-wise with the other thugs in the gang. Otherwise if you went to a gang convention you might end up in the wrong gang without knowing it.
Those boobs looks very familiar. 😀
“But dude don’t you think they may get suspicious if instead of the backyard they’re watching the first season of Breaking Bad?”
Sorry couldn’t help but comment about the average IQs of move males in Lana’s universe. 😀
😀 😀
okay so it looks like Lana is gonna hijack their scheme…but for what, exactly?
We’ll just have to wait and see… 😉