Comments are fixed!
Some of you had told me that there was a problem with the comment system that misidentified you as a spambot and wouldn’t let you comment. I wasn’t able to fix the problem with the old system, so I’ve switched to a new, better system which should fix the problem.
Actually, I think the other guy’s line should have been, “There. I heard it again.” Just to emphasis the cluelessness. 🙂
Numbskulls meet terminal stupidity.
I am amazed they managed to find their way out of the birth channel.
😀 😀
Well, technically, they didn’t *find* their way out…Their mothers had to push them in that direction. The surprising thing is that they’ve lived long enough to actually learn how to speak.
The real question is would The Ray (ha) actually die if he eas shot, because I am not sure if he would realize it. Then again, that outfit is so hard on the eyes, he might be hard to shot. I also have to say this month’s incentive was AMAZING. I have enjoyed how your art always improves and never disappoints!
Thank you! That’s really kind!
Yes, there’s no point in shooting Ray. It wouldn’t hurt him because he probably doesn’t know how to bleed. 😀
If The Ray was shot in the head, it wouldn’t make any difference anyway…
These jokers obviously couldn’t organize a piss-up in a Brewery. 🙂
If they did it would probably involve a lot of pushing on a pull door trying to get into the brewery.
combined IQ between those three is still double digits. 😀
And that’s being generous! 😀
Also, just noticed I hadn’t checked out the Vote Picture this month. It is a particularly gorgeous offering this month.
Thank you! I appreciate that!
Clearly we are dealing with geniuses.
They may have a whole brain amongst the three of them.
And it’s barely even used!
Lara’s boobs looking bountiful as ever, and Ray failing the IQ test … again.
Next up, the Darwin award test.
Ray’s not usually good at tests….
Don’t tell me he’s gonna fail the Darwin award test too ?
That’s … like a double fail, or something.
Oh the Darwin Award is definitely one exam Ray and his crew could pass with more colours than is contained in all of Ray’s wardrobe (Seriously how the hell is he not colour blind by now just from staring at himself in the mirror?)
Love me some swedish K!
Thanks, I can finally post my rave reviews!
I stumbled onto your this site a few weeks back and spent the ensuing week reading every story and buying all the ebooks. It’s was amazing to watch your work evolve over eight years in just six days. The early stuff was great to begin with, but the current pages blow it out of the water.
I love your style and character designs, and the strip is genuinely funny , too (and well-written with no grammar errors, which I love). I also like that the stories themselves are relatively “clean”, with no swearing or gore or anything; they just happen to be filled with rampant nudity and sex (and those uncut ebook versions — WOW!)
Anyway, keep it up; I’m so happy I found your site. I just can’t believe after bingeing everything in such short order that I now need to wait a whole week between pages!
Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words, and I’m glad you’re enjoying the comic!
Sorry about the comment thing! The old system had some problem that I could never get to the bottom of, but it looks like the new system works.
It takes a special kind of dim to require a second warning shot because the first wasn’t apparently clear enough.
Ray is definitely a special kind of dim. 😀
Whoa hey, warning shots are complicated thing, mkay ?
These guys are so 80s it hurts.
They’ve certainly committed some crimes against fashion and good taste! 😀
Miami Vice called, they want the 80s back.
Can you please give me the name of Ray’s attorney? I’m going to sue him for damage to my retina.
And what a wonderful drawing of Lana shooting that gun! Is that a KRISS Vector? Her outfit is barely able to contain her breasts… Hmm, that looks promising 😉
Yes, I think it is (I’m not great on the names of guns).
Chances are Ray’s attorney is as dumb as he is, so I don’t know that it would help! 😀