All Mr Date-Night should have to do is blip the brakes and Princess Physicist will just fall back into the car, using conservation of momentum to keep their recalcitrant rescue from walking off the back of the car.
speaking of aerodynamics, can I ask just what kind of hair product all three of them are using to have such well maintained coifs in a moving convertible? I mean, damn 😀
Cat fight AND the Physicist taking a long walk off a short pier at 40+ mph!
Wotta date, wotta day!!
Just keeps getting better and better, Sean! Hats off!!
Thank you! Thank you! 😀
All Mr Date-Night should have to do is blip the brakes and Princess Physicist will just fall back into the car, using conservation of momentum to keep their recalcitrant rescue from walking off the back of the car.
Good idea, if he thinks of that (which he probably won’t!) 😀
A nuclear physicist huh? Did she eat a lot of plutonium chips? Not to be mean, but she’s pretty far out there…
Maybe that’s why she’s not a good nuclear physicist! 😀
Oh sure, *now* she can walk!
Of course, once the anesthetic (aka alcohol) wears off, she may not be so happy with the effort.
That’s right, although I that’s probably par for the course for Olga.
Injured or not, she’s already been drinking enough that she’s feeling no pain…But she will in just another couple of seconds.
I have this vague, but very persisting, feeling that she will end up getting that car wrecked somehow…
Vague but persisting feelings can be funny like that! 😉
Man, she is DRUNK…! =_=
I guess crappy nuclear physicists can’t hold their liquor that well.
Well, I guess we know how she broke her legs. Through sheer idiocy. Even being drunk doesn’t excuse that kind of idiocy. lol
She’s more idiot than drunk, really, but she’s certainly very idiot! 😀
Idiocy & alcohol make a very unhealthy combination…
I’d have bought it that she was a princess too.
She’s got the attitude, anyway!
Amazing sense of balance for one so sloshed.
Must be because she’s topless.
That probably helps the aerodynamics.
speaking of aerodynamics, can I ask just what kind of hair product all three of them are using to have such well maintained coifs in a moving convertible? I mean, damn 😀
You say it’s your birthday, it’s my birthday too yeah….
Right! 😀