If Lana had been given me that look she has in the last panel i would have been too distracted to bother about a film, almost no matter what was on it.
Digital video, probably on cloud servers which means it could be darn near anywhere.
And has probably been hacked by now and uploaded onto every porn site on the planet. So, yeah, that cat is out of the bag (or pussy out of the panties).
Of course if no one knows who she is, that will be less of a problem.
Yes, he was certainly the leading light in the comic book industry, and arguably responsible for turning it into something that could legitimately be called an industry. It’s become fashionable to downplay his accomplishments recently, but I think he was one of the great visionaries of the entertainment world.
Yeah, now that you mention it, I remember those. When I was younger there was a store in my area called The Big Screen Store. They sold clonking-big TVs, some with 80-90 inch screens and they looked like they weighed a ton. They’re out of business now, or at least they’re gone from this area, but it makes me wonder how people even got those giant TVs home and how they disposed of them when they got out of date or stopped working.
“hand *it* over?”
Methinks that, by now, she should be demanding to “hand *them* over.”
And she probably has no idea how many copies of “them” there really are or where “they” went.
I’d be tempted to repeat a quote from Futurama (“Yep, she’s boned”) but not only would that be slightly inaccurate, but Lana has already pointed out that the situation is a bit more complicated than that.
If Lana had been given me that look she has in the last panel i would have been too distracted to bother about a film, almost no matter what was on it.
Maybe it’ll work with the princess, too!
Digital video, probably on cloud servers which means it could be darn near anywhere.
And has probably been hacked by now and uploaded onto every porn site on the planet. So, yeah, that cat is out of the bag (or pussy out of the panties).
Of course if no one knows who she is, that will be less of a problem.
So you’re saying that she can probably stop looking for the reel of film?
RIP Stan Lee.
The world just got a little darker today.
Yes, he was certainly the leading light in the comic book industry, and arguably responsible for turning it into something that could legitimately be called an industry. It’s become fashionable to downplay his accomplishments recently, but I think he was one of the great visionaries of the entertainment world.
I know Lana is played for laughs, but the whole licking the gun thing is just….SO dead serious dead sexy femme fatale awesomeness.
Do she has a flate screen tv but hasn’t heard of DVD’s? Must be one of those sheltered Royals.
Or just not so bright!
They had flat-screen TVs before they had DVDs, actually–my neighbor had one that size in the mid-90s.
Yeah, now that you mention it, I remember those. When I was younger there was a store in my area called The Big Screen Store. They sold clonking-big TVs, some with 80-90 inch screens and they looked like they weighed a ton. They’re out of business now, or at least they’re gone from this area, but it makes me wonder how people even got those giant TVs home and how they disposed of them when they got out of date or stopped working.
Yikes, Lana, you better hand over those Betamax tapes pronto.
They’re probably hidden in with the tapes from Erol’s.
Lana had better surrender the original daguerrotypes, post-haste!
Also, is the mouth in the last panel quite right?
Right, you don’t want her to smash the victrola next!
I do not remember EVER seeing Lana from this perspective, but I LIKE IT!
Hey, thank you!
Ok. I’ll admit it.
She’s licking a suppressor.
NOW I’m scared.
That’s right!
Lana licking that gun is hot, though not very hygienic.
Oh well, you can’t have everything.
“Almost sexual isn’t it. Smithers.”
Smithers doesn’t know the half of it!
“hand *it* over?”
Methinks that, by now, she should be demanding to “hand *them* over.”
And she probably has no idea how many copies of “them” there really are or where “they” went.
I’d be tempted to repeat a quote from Futurama (“Yep, she’s boned”) but not only would that be slightly inaccurate, but Lana has already pointed out that the situation is a bit more complicated than that.
If she still thinks it’s film, the idea of copies might blow her mind.