Animal Instincts Part 1: Day of the Elephant

It’s a jungle out there in the criminal underworld, with wild animals everywhere! But soon they may find that a certain sexy spy is the most dangerous predator of all! Animal Instincts is a 3-part story of crime and confusion, starting with Part 1: Day of the Elephant!
The life of a criminal mastermind isn’t easy, but with Lana helping him every step of the way he’s got nothing to worry about, right?
This is my favorite so far. How do I buy a magazine of this particular one?
Thank you! I haven’t released it yet since it’s not yet complete, but as soon as the story is finished I’ll have it for sale. Thanks again!
I suppose that means there will be a link at the end of the story?
Yes, once it’s on sale I’ll put a link to it on the front page.
real animals too like lions, tigers and bears…oh my!
They’re not in Kansas anymore! (At least, I don’t think so. Kansas could be like this for all I know.)
Pretty sure Kansas has never been like this. I mean, the red-light district is probably the part of town that has a traffic light…
Kansas is a land of mystery! (At least it is to me!)
This outta be good, ’cause there’s a LOT of animals out there.
Yes, lots! 😀
It’s a jungle out there even!