Animal Instincts Part 2: Twilight of the Cods page 11

The 3rd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is hotting up again!
The next to stop by is Juline from the pages of CKarrus! Click here to see a LOT more of the sultry swordswoman…
…and go to CKarrus to see a super hot new pic of Lana by Gojiramon!
So far this looks like an actual fun mission for Lana! She’s had way worse.
Yeah, it’s definitely not the hardest she’s had to work!
Map reading they will be doomed at this rate!
Especially considering that it’s upside down! 😀
I wonder what kind of pasting this would be considered?
The best kind! 😀
Loving that purple lipstick on the Pepper
Thank you!
I’ll draw something again! Who wants to swap?
Cool! Let me get back to you on that!
I just sent you a message on Twitter.
Now what did I say about using the Devil’s Internet, Sean?
I don’t remember. Were you for or against?
Which answer gets me the bigger commission discount?
Lucky Pepper who gets her life spiced up , Lana-style.
Also, Sweet voting incentive. 😀
Thank you! Much appreciated!
Dare I assume Pepper is (relatively speaking) the smart one in this particular shoal?
Hard to say; the brain cell sample size is too small to get an accurate reading.
Speaking from both a medical and a public health background with some statistics, we can do some amazing things with PCR magnification of even very small samples these days!
Is Lana tribbing with Pepper?
Not yet, but the night is young! 😀
Interesting … choice of music going by the posters on the wall there.
Some people just like the classics.
… and then there’s you.
Are you casting aspersions on Right Said Fred?
You Blue It!
The skeez has just begin
And then some! 😀
Peppah? Peppah?
Already Chopper’s getting salty over Pepper!
Boooooooo! Boo that man! Boooooooo!
Everyone’s a critic!
Yes, it certainly looks like there are lessons being learned 😉
Yes, it’s just not Pepper doing the teaching! 😀