Animal Instincts Part 2: Twilight of the Cods page 4

June is here, and that means it’s time for the 3rd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet! Comics all over the internet are trading places for hot fun in the sun!
First to visit is Latex Scorpion from the pages of Super Rivals! Click here to see a LOT more of the sultry supervillain-turned-reluctant hero…
…and go to to see a super hot new pic of Lana by John Harrington!
Hey, I remember you, I commissioned you a long time ago, it’s nice to see you on here too
Oh, cool! I hope you enjoy the comic!
High heel Mary Janes. That’s my fetish!
They’re a classic! 😀
Grabs some popcorn and a seat. This should be epic 😀
Yeah, she’s really doing it now! 😀
Okay, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but…
There’s a possibility she might have done it now.
Possibly even big time.
see, while the logical part of my brain knows she put her shake down before engaging in the minor fisticuffs that occured, the rule of cool portion of my brain thinks Lana just let go of it, whupped her lightly, then caught it without spilling even a little bit of whip cream 😀
Also, kudos to the one lone member of the Cahds that realizes just how outclassed they all are and hasn’t chimed in with the rest… there’s a sliver of hope for her yet 😀
Hey, it could happen! Spies train for exactly these sorts of situations! (Or at least, I think they should!)
Also, I think there’s a good chance that last girl just hasn’t figured out what happened yet. 😀
That third panel is just amazing. I am just sitting here grinning like a fool. The expressions! The framing! The onomatopoeia!
Lana done swakked her good!
She sure did! Thank you!
Yes she did, and is notably unconcerned about it.
That should really tell you something. Like; “Run away!”
True, although I don’t think the Cards figure out stuff like that very quickly. 😀
They don’t seem to be the brightest bulbs in the diner, do they?
Is this leading up to………. a Lana collectible card game?
Hey, a rare Lana card could go for a lot! And it would sure look a lot better than most CCGs.
Hey, now there’s an idea! As long as it wouldn’t require her to have Yugioh-style hair, it could work! 😀
[Background music]; Duhn-Duhn-DONE!!!!!
The plot thickens!
Or thins, or gets lumpy. Something like that.
I vote lumpy… like the Cards heads after taking on Lana.
Sounds right to me! 😀
They be done, all raht!
Good luck playing pokah with the Cahds, Lana.
Always an ace up her sleeve, our Lana! 😀
I think Lana can “deal the cards” all over the room without even spilling her shake.
I am hoping for a spilling of garments though.
Also, nice voting incentive of the Latex Scorpion. 😀
It could happen! 😉
Thank you!
Lana’s done it more times than all of the Cahhhds put together. Pornographic pun most definitely intended. She went easy on them. So far.
“So far” being the key phrase! 😀
If they were smart, they’d invite Lana to join the gang; give them some much needed brains, brawn and beauty.
Being smart is asking a lot of the Cards.
Slow on the uptake, ain’t they?
Well, they’ve noticed that she done it.
Something tells me she did something.
I must have psychic powers.
Big time! 😀
They’re all running the same dialog generator ?.
It’s like a hive mind without the mind.
the cahds are usedta people foldin’. but lana just showed ’em she’s aces.
didn’t even break a sweat or spill her wicked awesome frappe.
the other four will be even less of a challenge if they don’t just run.
What a pissah!
You know, it took me until that third frame to realize, the leader of the Cahds looks straight out of I Love Lucy.
I guess diners just bring out the retro in folks! 😀
Yep. We all agreed. She done it.
She done it big time.