Animal Instincts Part 3: The Sparklemuffin Strikes at Midnight

It’s time for the 3rd and final chapter of Animal Instincts!
When you’re staking out the lavish estate of a powerful crime lord, you can encounter a lot of big problems, but for one team the biggest they’ll encounter comes in a small and sexy package!
It all starts tomorrow, so don’t miss it!
Lana never has a muffin top, but she could be a Sparklemuffin top.
She is pretty sparkly at times.
Sparkle muffin when did bronies become a threat? Oh lord will Lana need to gain weight to fit in?
😀 😀
…and if so, where on her body will that weight go? I hope not to her waist or anywhere below that, or her arms, her legs, or her face. Hmm, where else could it go?
It’s a mystery! 😀
I now feel the munchies for a muffin with sparkles on it… 😀
That does sound pretty good! 😀
Sparklemuffin, eh? In the words of James Veitch, I find this intriguing. ?
This will be a very intriguing story; I guarantee it! 😀
Ooooo! Look how sophisticated Lana is, raising her pinky!
All class, our Lana.