Animal Instincts Part 3: The Sparklemuffin Strikes at Midnight page 1

The 3rd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is at it again!
The next to stop by is Arayanna & Maeye from the pages of The Great Isle of Prentil! Click here to see a LOT more of this delightful duo…
…and go to to see a super hot new pic of Lana by Feori!
BONUS! Check out sexy new swapmeet pics from Super Rivals and The Keep on the Borderlands, as well as Puck and Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files!
Missed this one, sorry! Lana always provides Dat Ass!
You can’t have a Hollywood gangster setup without it! 😀
Can’t tell if the muffin is sparkly, but Lana can get that effect with the right bath bomb, e.g.
And Lana does know a thing or two about bombs; bath and otherwise.
The Bronie mob is doing well.
😀 😀
But what everyone is really wondering: Is Lana topless?
We’ll find out soon! 😀
That you have to pay for on Patreon.
(As some wise men named Devo said, we got WIPed real good.)
Now that derriere looks familiar….
It’s easy to recognize Lana from any angle! 😀
Which can be taken as a compliment to your art. A long-running character should be consistent in style & you’ve delivered consistency so well that we *can* recognize her from any angle!
Why, thank you! Much appreciated!
Y’know, this has all been going rather swimmingly for the past couple of missions… and Lana’s had a very self satisfied smirk beyond all the sex she’s been enjoying… Has Lana finally killed the Chief, or does she just have him tied up in a closet somewhere where he can’t foul things up? 😀
Probably stuck pushing on a pull door somewhere, and Lana’s taking advantage of it! 😀
Obviously, he got someone else’s invitation that was lost in the mail.
I expect he gets those a lot.
And Lana’s co-workers are still trying to load paper “clips” into their sidearms, no doubt…
Lana works so smoothly when everyone else is preoccupied.
Yeah, the best help her fellow agents can give her is to not help at all!
Informants providing hints – 2 months
Developing a justification for surveillance – 1 month
Spying on the estate with an obvious surveillance van – 3 months
Lana to take the whole organization out via jealousy, infighting, and lesbian sex within a week – priceless
Exactly! 😀 😀
Yes. He needs a spy to walk into his life and send him to jail.
And lo and behold…
In that case, this is his lucky day! 😀
This page has reminded me of something I’ve just learned about the place I’m now staying at. A few years ago, the owners noticed a lot of people moving in to the place across the street. All sorts of cars coming and going at all times – expensive ones at that as well a lot of other expensive stuff like boats on trailers on the like.
Other suspicious activity also followed like mysterious parcels one of which accidentally getting delivered to the place I’m now living and mysteriously labelled “motorcycle parts” and being from Thailand. Needless to say, it was very quickly redirected to the correct address.
Anyway, needless to say and quite inevitably, the owners of where I now am staying came home to find a police raid of a drug den in progress across the road. They didn’t need to switch on the TV in the lounge room that day, merely sit on the couch and watch the show on the other side of the street.
Which reminds me Sean, I haven’t seen you spying in lately, now that I think about it …
Their big mistake was marking the parcels as motorcycle parts, which as everyone knows, no one would ever order. When you buy a motorcycle, you drive it until you fall over and injure yourself terribly and then you stick it in the back yard, never to be touched again until you can sell it. What would you ever need parts for?
I suspect all up, they made more than just one big mistake.
This is also true.
There was a period of about six months where I had three friends who bought motorcycles… one of them hit a car… then the others quickly sold their motorcycles.
Probably a wise decision! 😀
I’m guessing those motorcycles weren’t full of cocaine, though.
The best ass money can buy…