Animal Instincts Part 3: The Sparklemuffin Strikes at Midnight page 2

The 3rd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet isn’t over yet! Check out hot new art from Exiern and The Great Isle of Prentil!
And be sure to check out all the other great comics that took part in all the sexy fun!
Reality is highly overrated anyway.
This is true!
They’re real if they’re tangible. They’re tangible if I can touch them.
That’s all I need to know about them.
Unassailable logic if I’ve ever heard it!
I could see Lana doing some assailling on anyone foolish enough to try and test that theory without her permission for starters …
Lana has been known to assail on occasion!
I am assailing
I am assailling
Home again
‘Cross the sea
I am assailling
Stormy waters
To be near you
To be free
/knee to groin
This conversation may be drifting slightly off course…
What’s the worst that could happen?
PS: Admittedly that wasn’t quite as ball clenching as Watch Yo Jet … or Lana for that matter.
That is the best come-back for that criticism I’ve ever heard!
He’s a man who knows what he likes!
I still like Eddie Murphy’s line: “Don’t they know we don’t care if they’re real??”
Good point!
Well, something has got a point (or two!).
Without getting to meta about it, I think they’re real
Real as everything else in the comic!
To quote Teri Hatcher from Seinfeld: “They’re real and they’re spectacular!”
(disclaimer: may not be applicable in this case)
Popular opinion would support the second part, anyway.
Well, from the context of the character in universe, they presumably would be. I cannot comment on the real-life actor.
The disclaimer was referring to Lana as this was actually a life-saving plot point! That’s your cue to plug the archives and the past print editions.
Already? Have ten minutes passed since the last time?
Time is relative, Sean.
PS: Did Doctor Who teach you nothing?
Of course those are real sunglasses, lady. What else would she be wearing?
Yeah, it makes no sense!
Well, somebody put a double dose of jealousy in the lady-cop’s coffee today.
Yes, she doesn’t seem to have the same appreciation for the situation that Gualter has.
Twilight sparkle confirmed that the shipment got passed customs babe.
Everyone likes powdered sugar!
Check the waist line yeah you’re right
Except Wilford Brimley!