Call Girl page 1

Soft as Steel is now on sale as an uncut digital comic!
Lana’s latest case is now bigger and better than ever, with new pages and uncensored art! Get your copy right here!
Soft as Steel is now on sale as an uncut digital comic!
Lana’s latest case is now bigger and better than ever, with new pages and uncensored art! Get your copy right here!
©2008-2025 Sean Harrington Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
I’d like to see, just once, for Lana to take Chief on a mission…for use as a human shield or at least a mock hostage. she’ll get to rough him up to make it look real…and really beat the tar out of him for the sake of the mission.
I suspect a lot of Agency employees would want to do that! 😀
Any bets the chief is calling to let her know that her existing mission has just changed, and her previous goal is now what she has to prevent happening?
We’d be surprised if that wasn’t the case! 😀
I thought he was calling for some pointers on skiing.
I’m sure Lana wouldn’t mind sending the Chief hurtling down a mountain. (Skis optional!)
Let me guess, Lana is in some life and death struggle and her boss keeps calling her mid-battle because he has managed to misplace the key to the office supply closet? 😉
And it’s urgent because he left his lunch in there and it’s almost noon!
God this guy’s timing is the worst at least she isn’t being shot at.
She’ll probably start shooting at him before long! 😀
It is rude to answer a phone in a villainous monolog.
Some people have no manners at all! 😀
Stop calling, Chief. Nobody likes you.
Let’s hope he’s got a bad phone plan, and he’ll run out of minutes.
oh no, OH NO…. *facepalm*
Who gave the Chief a phone anyway?! 😀
It was you, Sean.
(Accusatory Donald Sutherland pointing and screaming a la Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978))
You and Donald Sutherland are always so suspicious!
Compliments on the boob placement.
Thank you! 😀
Well we already know she’s good enough to have a conversation and a fight at the same time.
Yes, Lana’s famous for her multitasking!
Studies have shown that for each additional task that you do, the level of satisfactory execution of each individual task diminishes.
Then they started doing multiple tests at once, but they couldn’t get any more useful data.