Call Girl page 25

Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is back!
For the 6th year in a row, the sexiest stars of comics around the web are getting together for the hottest event of the summer! First to visit us is Typh from long-running fantasy comic Exiern!
Vote here to see a sexy new pinup of the barbarian beauty….
And be sure to check out Exiern to see what Lana’s getting up to!
Not the way Lana usually knocks people’s socks … or shoes … off, but effective.
When Lana protects people, she really swings for the fences!
It’s maximum power Lana! 😀
You got to admit that this was a sweet example of a left hook.
Uhm, does this mean Lana is a southpaw ?
Also as she is currently flying, does this mean Iphegenia is a flyweight? 😛
These questions are harder-hitting that Lana is! 😀
“The enemy can’t knock out the target if the the target is already knocked out”
– Agency tactical procedures manual, probably
That sounds about right! 😀
I guess the Commander’s next in the fountain pool. And then the Chief phones.
A lot of people could end up in that pool before we’re done! 😀
Iphigenia fucked around and now she’s found out.
That’s right! 😀
“… long-running fantasy comic Exiern!”
Old enough to vote and also drink (outside the US)!
You know this comic is really going places, because it’s got a drivers license!
People were literally born and went in to get their full driver’s licence in the time between getting my Learner’s Permit and my Provisional Licence.
Now that’s a commitment to learning!
Well, that’s one way of looking at it.
Not a way that would help you pass the eye test, though.
As Yosemite Sam said, “I walk softly but I carry a bigger stick!”
Iphegenia probably feels like Wile E. Coyote now! 😀
You are being liberated. please do not resist. –Lana, probably
Resistance is definitely futile! 😀
Aaaannnddd now we the consequences of making Lana give her patience a workout. If I had to guess, there’s gonna be quite the dental bill for the wifey there 😀
Also, now I understand why Lana still works where she does, they are probably the only people on the planet that can provide clothing that meets her high standards of durability and sexiness 😀
She certainly tests the wardrobe department’s limits! 😀
Now that is one way to knock someone out…
She’s not messing around! 😀
This mission operates under Super Mario rules, you beat an enemy and the loot pops out.
Some stomping on heads may occur, too! 😀
Like Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 😀
😀 😀
Huh. Right out of her shoe.
Lana’s angrier than usual.
It’s been one of those days! 😀
And Iphigenias lips are history.
She really knocked her loose of her lipstick! 😀
Bitch got served! Face it everyone wants to hit it with Lana but none want to get hit by lana.
That’s true! 😀
At least there is no chance of brain damage.
Sadly, I think Iphegenia is probably the smartest person in the room, after Lana. Kinda frightening, if you think about it.
Of course, that’s not a very high bar to clear!