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Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is back!
The 6th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is rocking on! Next to visit us is Tiffany from hot dark fantasy comic Exiern: Dark Reflections!
Vote here to see a smoking hot pinup of the dangerous diva….
And be sure to check out Dark Reflections to see what Lana’s getting up to!
i love the chefs face in this one he’s all GAHHHHHH LANA WHERES MY LANAZZZZZ 😀 buahhaha she gonna give that man a heart attack one of these days
And possibly a good punch in the head in the mean time! 😀
Say one thing for Poco: he saw Lana was in trouble and he tried to help.
He may not have been very effective, but he did show solidarity for a colleague and threw himself at an opponent twice his size.
When covert agents are in the field, you need subtler channels than yelling through a phone :}
Good spy agencies would agree with you; too bad Lana doesn’t work for one of them! 😀
Lana remembered the episode with Sherri and the skillet, and decided to upgrade to a sledgehammer. The Chief’s head is at least as thick as Sherri’s.
Yes, and you can (maybe) get more than one use out of a sledgehammer!
Chief seems to be aging by the second…stall him lana he’ll keel over dead before he gets you all killed!
She should be so lucky! 😀
Lana should definitely ask the green giant what he means by “his revenge” because I have a feeling this is an important piece of information – which may have been omitted by the chief.
It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened! 😀
They may have both made a tactical error — they could be working together instead of against each other!
Yes, maybe he could even help her find out what her mission is! 😀
“This woman is impossible!” says the chief. Yeah, how come she can’t magically fix all your screwups fast enough?
Yeah, what’s wrong with her? 😀
Well, he is a screw-up. Mostly.
When it comes to being useful to your own team, there’s Gilligan and there’s Starscream… and the Chief is worse than both put together.
And if the Chief wants to send you on a mission involving a 3-hour tour… good luck! 😀
I think Lana has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.
As in why hasn’t Lana taken the Chief to Sweden and dropped him in a glacier yet?
Would you want to sit next to the Chief on a flight to Sweden? 😀
Obviously he would be travelling as cargo (being the dead weight that he is) in the hold, Sean.
Lana, of course, is always first class.
Somehow he’d manage to cause trouble for Lana even from there!
That’s what fire suppression systems are for, Sean.
She could always feed him to the gremlin on the wing.
What did the gremlin do to deserve that! 😀
You’re better off on a 3-hour flight with Starscream. At least his malice is calculated.
I’d say Lana’s statement makes perfect sense to me. 😀
It’s the most sensible course of action! 😀
Wow never seen chief so upset. I wonder why Lana hasn’t actually made that trade sooner.
It could have saved her a lot of trouble! 😀
No kidding it’s not like there aren’t other agencies hiring and willing to bang Lana. Whatever happened to that rival faction.
Terrorise national living treasures John Lithgow and William Shatner when they were trying to peacefully enjoy their flights, that’s what it did to deserve it!
Well, one can’t argue with that.
Huh, how did my response to what the gremlin did to deserve having the Chief fed to him end up down here?
(Don’t you do it, Sean!)
No idea! Better than being sent to a cornfield, I guess. I have a plugin that moves comments, but it doesn’t want to work. I’ll investigate further….