Call Girl page 34

Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is back!
The 6th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is getting coldblooded! Here for a visit is the snakey seductress Georgia the Gorgeous Gorgon! One look from her can turn anyone rock hard, and you can read all her adventures and exxxploits on my Patreon! (You also get extra Lana, Foxi Merlot and Llana the Elf Spy there, too!)
Vote here to see a smoking hot pinup of our merry medusa….
And also grab some of Georgia’s earlier adventures on Gumroad!
Yay, Poco, he saved Lana’s cover. (A spy’s most valuable asset.)
Yes, everyone’s been protecting Lana’s cover admirably! π
All this for a guy with a dreadful taste in hair-style. And lover-boy really is thick as a brick, isn’t he? All he thinks about is sloping off for nookie. Lana is surrounded by even more idiots than usual.
Yes, there’s quite a crowd of them! π
I assume by ‘dreadful’ you mean ‘kickass’…
He certainly doesn’t blend in with the crowd! π
Talk about doubting Lanaβs loyaltyβ¦
He’a not the sharpest knife in the drawer! π
He’s highly motivated to trust her.
True! π
He’s not even the sharpest butter knife in the drawer.
Yes, agreed!
Oh, great, now Pocoβs gone and Joshed everything up.
Lana doesn’t even need one Josh; she certainly doesn’t need two!
When working with Josh and Poco, head protection is always a good idea.
Yes, never leave home without it! π
I didn’t realize at first it was HIM hitting her, but it figures
Lana’s coworkers are always a big help! π
No, guy, don’t try to make sense of this!
It’s a losing battle! π
Maybe Lana should offer the guy a job so far she hasn’t been able to woop his ass and he hasn’t done as much damage to her as Josh and Paco.
Yes, she could hire him to protect her from the rest of her team! π
A herculean task he is clearly built for.