Chaotic Neutral page 21

The Lana/Flare Anniversary Edition has really exploded on Kickstarter! More than 10 sexy covers have now been unlocked! Check it out and get your favorites before it’s too late!
The Lana/Flare Anniversary Edition has really exploded on Kickstarter! More than 10 sexy covers have now been unlocked! Check it out and get your favorites before it’s too late!
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I’m reminded of an old spy movie.
“Care to tango?”
Lana’s famous for her tango skills!
Lana is great when dancing vertically, but even better when dancing horizontally
Yes, that’s also a specialty of hers!
Leave Ponytail alone, something magical is happening!
Yeah, phone calls always seem to come at the wrong time!
I vote making the unnamed blonde secretary the new Chairperson and ponytail the new Vice-Consort.
Man, is there anything at the lower half of that dress other then a few bits of string? I think Lana is angling to do a bit of space-skiing with our dish billionaire. They certainly seem to be on the same wave-length already. Go for it, Lana!
Meantime blondie secretary has a slinky dress and being chatted up by redhead ponytail. Don’t think there’s a lot of enthusiasm there to go running to their respective idiot bosses. A fun episode!
Thank you! Yes, I think even the lackeys are getting tired of the bosses’ scheming!
Or Lana could just be doing her own thang, cuz ya know, she do that.
With Lana you never know!
Knock-out Dress. Good thing he’s wearing black. Probably tenting already.
Lana knows fashion, at least in her own fashion!
Lana can topple a government without even saying a word. Of course that dress is saying different things to everyone else
That certainly helps!
Re: the voting image-
Looks like Flare is getting her own back for Lana turning her into a Mardi Gras bead-attractor in the banner advertisement…
Yes, spying with a superhero can be complicated!
As usual, more is achieved to establish peace at ground level than at executive level.
(The bar scene.)
True- and alcohol is usually involved.
Side kicks are the best coordinated so the government keeps them in low ranking positions. How wise thank god for the beach cop or else the rebellion may have had a chance.
At least there’s a decent bar in this place!
Of course how else could you complain about your jerk of a boss without a proper ale!
The sidekicks hang out a lot together don’t they…
Might as well, I guess!