Chaotic Neutral page 3

The 4th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is getting hotter! Our next vivacious visitor is Awesome Girl from Super Rivals!
Click here to see a smoking hot new pic of this blonde bombshell, and don’t forget to check out Super Rivals for an appearance by Lana!
Also, check out the new Spying with Lana uncut comic Hard Case!
It would be hilarious if their boss was someone actually competent and intelligent so that when he gets home it’s just “…Alright do one of you idiots want to explain why there is a naked woman in my pantry?”
It would be pretty hard to explain! π
I suspect Lana will quite literally be cooking something up soon, just so she can go back to her vacation. π
Yeah, she’s definitely not giving up on this vacation!
I’d love to see a flashback of Lana in Home Ec!
That would be something to see! π
Straight A’s? More like double-D’s!
I’m sure she was quite a hit in Home Ec! π
The lighter side of Lana? Must be a reason.
Well, she is on vacation, after all! π
This dude seems unaware, that Lana can cause trouble no matter where she is.
Yes, but he might find out soon enough!
Kitchen pantry with kitchen knives. What could go wrong here?
Seems safe enough! π
Lana can ALWAYS cause trouble
This is true!
If nothing else, you have to love Lana’s confidence.
And hey, here’s an enemy with a modicum of common sense! Kitchens are great entry points for assassins: all those knives, just waiting to be picked up…
Yes, keeping Lana away from the guns, swords and knives is probably a good idea!
Interesting, how Lana doesnΒ΄t mind absence of bra π
And yes, hot pavement barefoot is really ugly thing. (personal experience)
Yeah, a bra might be nice, but flip flops are priority number 1! π
Lana looks remarkably happy in that last panel. I suspect a little briar patch reveal coming up.
This pantry idea may not have been such a great idea after all! π
Wow this guy sure is earning his pay. More than action squad.
True, not that that’s a high bar to clear.
true but this is like the first time I have seen someone not hand her a gun.
Yeah shove her into the pantry with that five pound bag of sugar and that stack of boxes of kitchen matches. What could possibly go wrong?
Seems like a foolproof plan! π
A little flour, some sugar, a match and a lot of breathing power – and you have yourself a Lana MacGyver dust explosion to blow open the door. She’ll be out in no time.
Yes, this pantry idea may come back to bite them!
You know how many flour mills have suffered catastrophic explosions over the years? There probably isn’t enough in the pantry to blow up a building, but I bet she could do a lot of damage…
Yes, maybe not the best choice after all!
An impressive level of awareness for a Lana lackey.
Yeah, you’ve got to give him that!