Chaotic Neutral page 6

The 4th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is picking up steam and getting steamier! Our next gorgeous guest star is Madison from Danger Zone One!
Click here to see a smoking hot new pic of this sultry special agent, and don’t forget to check out Danger Zone One for an appearance by Lana!
Also, for lots more sexy action and mystery, check out Danger Zone One on Patreon!
That poor woman, her clothes being ripped off, and getting a face full of Lana coochie!
😀 😀
You misspelled “lucky.”
Oh Lana, as unflappable as ever. Truly her best quality.
Just another day at the office! 😀
oh Lana sweetie no, clothes will only ruin your ability to slip away….
Frumpy clothes, too! 😀
I love how, every time she’s on vacation, shit goes sideways. It’s not Lana who’s incapable, the Agency is just incompetent. She need’s a better job.
True! And probably a better travel agent!
Interesting that the guy in the last panel is calling for a car to cut off Lana instead of stopping Lana from stripping his female co-worker.
Obviously the smartest of the bunch!
Some folks have better strategic minds than others! 😀
But he’s going to get in trouble for kicking his boss!
Yeah, that won’t help!
I feel no sense of sympathy towards this lot.
They definitively brought all their woes upon themselves by kidnapping.. (Wait, that sounds wrong… Ah of course..) BABEnapping Lana while she was on vacation.
I did feel a slight twinge about Meilani, but hot naked skin trumps decency, so sorry. 😀
They left her in the pantry with the cooking oil, too, so they brought it on themselves! 😀
Well, I guess it won’t be Lana, but Meilani who gets the free drinks at the beach bar. I hope she likes Mai Tais!
Yeah, what’s she complaining about? 😀
I’m assuming those sunglasses are expensive.
Sure, compared to Lana’s salary! 😀
It’s Meilani I feel sorry for. :-/
Sheesh, these guys might as well be working for the Agency…
If the Agency is hiring, they know where to look! 😀
Face strike followed by a clothes ripper DDT! Lana’s on fire today!
It’s the combo they never saw coming! 😀
Now hold on a minute playa! Once Lana gets thru with them…
They get to go one on one with da Undertaka!
Holla holla!
They are broken in half!!
Lana love the birthday suit.
Let’s hope Meilani loves it, too, because Lana’s about to leave her in hers! 😀
That is why we are here! Well that and lana as HR lady at the costume party.
Meilani’s bad day is our good day. 😉
I’m sure Lana won’t use Meliani’s bra. For obvious reasons…
She can’t expect everything to fit! 😀