Chaotic Neutral page 7

The 4th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is picking up steam and getting steamier! Our next gorgeous guest star is Madison from Danger Zone One!
Click here to see a smoking hot new pic of this sultry special agent, and don’t forget to check out Danger Zone One for an appearance by Lana!
Also, for lots more sexy action and mystery, check out Danger Zone One on Patreon!
Well they ASKED her to move the car, right?
Right! She’s only trying to help! 😀
She’s from the government and here to help!
The question has always been which government, though.
No one wants to admit employing the Agency!
lol. Not sure whether this is a (comedy of errors) series or not but you have my attention.
Glad to hear it! 😀
I think I’ve got Lana figured out…
Chaos follows Lana because of the Agency she works with, because of the spies, crooks & dangerous crazies that they send her out to get. As of this episode, if not a long time ago, Lana decided to go with the flow of it all until she BECOMES the source of Chaos.
No one takes advantage of Lana because she takes advantage of *everything*
Now there’s an impressive theory! 😀
Here’s an even simpler theory: Sex, violence, and comedy
I strongly suspect that things would have been so much easier for them if they had just let Lana have a drink before they asked.
Yes, or maybe rethought their plan from scratch! 😀
That girl has a great tan with NO tan lines.
And without Lana we never would have known! 😀
EVERYTHING Lana does is “a hard act to follow”.
Nobody can keep up with that girl, which makes me wonder WHY oh WHY she still works for those dunderheads in The Agency!
Freelancing would be better pay and better working conditions!
And Lana is still pissed her vacation is now shot.
Then again, if this is the quality of freelance offers she gets, that option may not be so hot either!
Well at least Lana left her bra and panties on, unfortunately.
Yeah, what’s she complaining about? 😀
Pre-emptively getting in early to complain about the uncut version?
This isn’t early; it’s right on time! 😀
Where is it then?
It’s too early for that; but not to early to complain about it not being early.
Threading that needle just a bit, aren’t we Sean?
Lana must be planning to go to a bar that doesn’t serve nude women what the fuck?!
What a shocker! 😀
I respect she pays for her drinks
Like Lana has to buy her own drinks in a bar.
Not the new slacks!
That’s really going too far!
Thank God they showed up to clean up the mess the other idiots made of things.
Yeah, really! Now all they need is another car full of guys to clean up their mess!
Wow the skin shading realy pops!
And that last panel is SMASHING!
Why, thank you! 😀