Lana deserves some treats from time to time. Lana also deserves more money and probably maybe a raise of all the stuff she does for the agency. Do wonder of the chief wants and can do that with the budget. Being a spy aint easy but Lana nails it with her fashion both in clothes and shoes.
Oh come now! $20? $50? Lana is far too pretty and good at what she does to charge that little! She could start at $400 an hour easy, more if she got set up as a high class escort. Much more if working out of Vegas.
Admittedly the outfit does kinda say cheap street walker, but she’s definitely not that.
Still think she’d get more respect as a prostitute than working for the Agency! Heck, if she sets herself up as a Dominatrix she’d even still get to beat people up!
Hehe, nice to see the nipple pocking through again. But I would have expected her nipples to be even more noticeable now since now she is no longer in a warm building but the cold outside.
Almost surprising that the agency hasn’t resorted to just pimping Lana out for cash by now, rather than bothering with all this secret agent work. It all amounts to the same thing anyway, it seems.
But couldn’t she just get them through her contact in that shoe store (Snake) without having to go through all this trouble? He could probably get her a discount too!
Hey Sean, believe it or not, I love Spying with Lana because of the stories and the characters, becuase it always makes me laugh, because it’s very well drawn… But NOT because we get to see Lana’s nipples or anything like that. I just don’t care. This is not Pornhub, and I’m not here for porn. To tell you the truth, the fact that the PDF versions that you sell are uncensored is actually a minus for me. I think I’ll buy them anyway, but from this point of view I still prefer the website. Call me a bigot…
Lana deserves some treats from time to time. Lana also deserves more money and probably maybe a raise of all the stuff she does for the agency. Do wonder of the chief wants and can do that with the budget. Being a spy aint easy but Lana nails it with her fashion both in clothes and shoes.
True, although if she’s waiting for a raise from the Chief, she’s going to be there a long time!
Oh come now! $20? $50? Lana is far too pretty and good at what she does to charge that little! She could start at $400 an hour easy, more if she got set up as a high class escort. Much more if working out of Vegas.
Admittedly the outfit does kinda say cheap street walker, but she’s definitely not that.
Yeah, being a cheapskate isn’t going to get them anywhere!
Still think she’d get more respect as a prostitute than working for the Agency! Heck, if she sets herself up as a Dominatrix she’d even still get to beat people up!
It could work! She’s good at beating people up!
I’m pretty sure Lana doesn’t mind her appreciative audience.
(And she IS receptive to money, just saying)
They’re going to have to offer more than that, though!
Hehe, nice to see the nipple pocking through again. But I would have expected her nipples to be even more noticeable now since now she is no longer in a warm building but the cold outside.
Maybe the shoe store had the heat on.
Isn’t she outside in the last panel?
Yes, I mean maybe she just inside a minute ago.
Almost surprising that the agency hasn’t resorted to just pimping Lana out for cash by now, rather than bothering with all this secret agent work. It all amounts to the same thing anyway, it seems.
It’s not for lack of trying!
Looks like it’s a little cold out. Don’t get a cold, take care of your health Lana!
Lana will be getting plenty of exercise soon, which will keep her warm!
Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?
Folks do love shoes!
But just who will they walk all over?
Hmmm, let me think about a Top 5 list of likely and deserving candidates.
1. The Chief
2. The Chief
3. The Chief
4. The Chief
5. The Chief
That seems pretty accurate.
Pimpin’ ain’t easy.
Especially with the Agency!
Those multi-camera setups don’t pay for themselves. Or maybe they do, given the chief’s occasional brilliance in a few specific areas….
Maybe, but not if Lana has anything to say about it!
Well, I suppose if you look like a hooker you’re going to get a lot of offers…
Good thing Lana has thick skin (thanks to the Boss), right?
Time for her to go to work on The Baron. Up and at ’em, Lana!!
At least she got some good shoes out of the deal.
But couldn’t she just get them through her contact in that shoe store (Snake) without having to go through all this trouble? He could probably get her a discount too!
This is true, although I suspect Snake has blocked every Agency number by now.
Well, firstly Blocked Call Override is a thing and secondly, she could go there in person, we know she’s been there.
Like Playboy, at least some of us read Spying With Lana for the stories and pay attention to this stuff.
Well, good. I’d hate to think all that time spent making word bubbles was for nothing.
Hey Sean, believe it or not, I love Spying with Lana because of the stories and the characters, becuase it always makes me laugh, because it’s very well drawn… But NOT because we get to see Lana’s nipples or anything like that. I just don’t care. This is not Pornhub, and I’m not here for porn. To tell you the truth, the fact that the PDF versions that you sell are uncensored is actually a minus for me. I think I’ll buy them anyway, but from this point of view I still prefer the website. Call me a bigot…
Hey, thanks! Any reason anyone reads is good with me; I’m just glad people read it!