Dream Machine page 3
on September 30, 2019

October is Spying with Lana’s 11th anniversary! And thanks to all Lana’s backers on Patreon who pushed us over the top for our milestone goal, we’re celebrating Lana’s anniversary with a BONUS COMIC! This comic is called Agent of Change and a new comic page will come out every week on TopWebcomics and Patreon! The first page is up now! Check it out!
We’ve already disposed of numetal, and now here’s nugoth. What’s next? Nudisco? Nuglam? Nupaisley underground? Possibly even Nu-emo? Dear god, no. Not nusinger-songwriter?
If there is a Nupaisley Underground out there somewhere, sooner or later Lana will run into it.
“What’s your name?”
“Curses! You may get away with it.”
(Not a likely resolution to this scene. Too much clothing!)
It could be the easiest way to resolve everything!
For me, this sounds sort of like when I’m voting during the elections. If there’s ever a candidate whose name is actually “No Confidence,” then I’m stuck.
It’s bound to happen sooner or later.
man, I having serious pre-sympathy for Soul Patch there, I foresee lots of Dental Work in his near future.
So you’re thinking that people mess with the NuGoths and DO get away with it?
only a select few that happen to be drop dead gorgeous
Silly NuGoths, they’re doing it all wrong. The correct solution is always to have more sex with Lana.
They’ll be pretty embarrassed when they realize that too late.
I am once again in slight awe at Lana’s ability to both get dressed and run in high heels while being shot at.
I wonder if that skill is thought in basic or advanced spy training.
Then again, with Lana it is most likely a natural ability.
Maybe her ability to run in high heels is what made a spy agency recruit her.
I’d hardly call Lana’s current state ‘dressed’, but I get your point.
True, although it’s pretty dressed by Lana’s standards.
I am almost ashamed of how unabashedly amused by the nugoth bashing I am.
Nothing like a good NuGoth bashing, I always say!
I LOVE candy bars with a rich, creamy Nugoth!
She’s surrounded!
She’s got ’em just where she wants ’em!! ;P
Lana sez: I go where I want, and you idiots aren’t anything special.
I have a feeling that most people think that about the NuGoths.
Something tells me that she’s going to get away with it.
How many naked shenanigans ensue is the only real question.
Yes, but the NuGoths haven’t figured that out yet.