Hard Case page 15

Why celebrate April Fools Day for only one day when we can carry it on for a whole month? Allow me to present Fools Day, a new comic that will run each week in April on TopWebcomics, and will feature some familiar fools– er, faces. Click on the button to the right or right here to read the new page!
Josh has no survival instincts whatsoever. It is in keeping with him being devoid of intelligence, so i guess we should let it pass.
It vaguely irks me that he got his hands on Lana’s assets though.
Josh must go on these missions just for kicks! 😀
Funny she is walking around naked. She has just had sex while before, she helped beat up two guys while naked. She asks for help to get back up. He obliges, rather than use his hands for a step, he pushes her use using her ass as leverage( he doesn’t use his thumbs to poke into her holes, nor does it seem grope her ass as he pushes up) yet she still gets mad and kicks at him. Lana is crazy!
😀 😀
Re: the vote image – what genre of stories does Ms. Merlot inhabit?
Mostly short funny comics similar to Lana Shorts as well as sexy cartoons in the style of the old Playboy cartoons and Jucika.
Lana may have the best seat in the house, but Josh has the best view of it. Almost enviable…”Almost,” as in I don’t envy the beatings that Josh takes for the privilege he’s getting.
Smarting from being hit is as close as Josh gets to being smart!
Josh getting his hands on Lana’s ass; he’s living proof that a person can fail upwards.
Not upwards far enough to be out of range of Lana’s foot!
Sometimes, even when you know what’s gonna happen, the reward is worth doing it anyway.
Not that Josh ever knows what’s going to happen! 😀
I love her facial expression in the second panel. Although, I’d never want it directed at me. I don’t think he realizes how close to death he was at that moment. Now, Midge could have gotten away with that.
Josh seldom realizes how close he is to death when dealing with Lana! 😀
Oddly enough, I am not getting a perverted vibe from Josh, only a stupid vibe.
Maybe Lana isn’t his type. Maybe he’s not into women. Or maybe he’s ace?
Hanlon’s Razor states: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” I think this sums up Josh pretty well.
Maybe he’s gotten too accustomed to Naked Lana.
Or taken too many hits to the head. 😀
Well josh maxed out the alpha meter to breaking point while also throwing himself off the bottom.
A very Josh result! 😀
I would go for a digit slip and likely die
Make sure the life insurance is paid up first! 😀
Now to be fair, I’d want my hands on DAT LANA ASS too. But unforutnately, the plot has arrived
That pesky plot! 😀
Josh:”Saved by the plot!”
Lana: “Not for long…”
😀 😀