Hard Case page 16

Why celebrate April Fools Day for only one day when we can carry it on for a whole month? Allow me to present Fools Day, a new comic that will run each week in April on TopWebcomics, and will feature some familiar fools– er, faces. Click on the button to the right or right here to read the new page!
This is actually brilliant on Josh’s part. Now he may have the opportunity to fondle … er … assist Lana once more…
Of course, now she’s got a metal case she can hit him with, too! 😀
That look on Lana’s face is just awesome. 🙂
Thank you!
Stop the presses! And pause the tweeting, delay the FB status update, interrupt the podcast, suspend the WhatsApp messaging, and generally halt every publication in traditional and digital media! Josh has reacted promptly with a move that actually protects (somewhat) the mission! I repeat… please don’t make me repeat all that!
In typical Josh fashion he’s also set the mission back a few steps, but it’s better than he usually does! 😀
JUST when you thought (!) Josh had actually done something correctly, he shows how to snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory.
He’s real talented, he is!!
Some people just have the knack!
Looks and Lana, I cant help but notice….. her hair, Is her color black hair, and the light is Red, or is the a type of deep red hair looks almost black?
She’s just got red highlights in this story.
Say what you like, but Josh actually thought fast for once! 😀
Not well, but fast!
Josh’s plan worked. Pity it completely ruined Lana’s plan
As usual! 😀
Really liking the red tinge to Lana’s hair in this one
Thank you!
Well this is better than the other people getting their hands on it.
True, although now they’re back where they started.
Could be worse lana might have to bang those guys outside and their boss lady. Oh wait fuck me..
Or at least kick them in the head! 😀
“Welcome to Square One. Have you been here before?”
So now Sean has a dilemma: does he actually SHOW Lana ripping Josh’s ribs out and carving “Dumbass” in his bare skull with a sharpened piece of his sternum, or does Sean handle it more subtly—a discussion at Josh’s funeral about how messy a job it was reassembling his body parts for the burial?
That is a tough one! 😀
Hopefully, the Agency might find a replacement that’s a tad more competent…
Ah, who am I kidding? The Agency hasn’t updated its employment parameters for years. At least Josh would be putting the fun back in ‘funeral.’
That’s true! 😀