Hard Case page 7

Haven’t been reading my Foxi Merlot comics on Patreon? Now’s your chance to catch up!
Foxi proves that redheads have more fun in the first ever collection of our juicy ginger’s sexy shenanigans! From comics to cartoons to pinups, you don’t want to miss any of the amorous adventures, so check it out here!
Who else has a running wager with themselves that Josh is climbing in the window of the wrong house?
They’ll be lucky if he’s even on the right block! 😀
One of these three people needs to get in shape.
This is true. 😀
Well, if Lana doesn’t start moaning and squealing up a storm pretty quick, Josh’s gonna end up getting chucked back out that window—assuming that’s even the right window.
And for Josh, that’s assuming a lot! 😀
If there are two ways to enter/exit a room, Josh will do one of two things:
1) Select the most difficult one.
2) Find a third way.
“Boy, Ah say, boy… (aside) That boy’s as sharp as a boulder…”
That’s Josh all right! 😀
My favorite all-time Foghorn Leghornism: That boy’s about as sharp as a sack o’ wet mice.
Oh man gold star for doing things literally josh
You can always count on Josh!
God damnit Josh you have one job to do!
That’s usually one job too many for Josh!
I’d say one job is two jobs too many for Josh.
That’s right! 😀
… Is the door actually locked? Did he even think to check? =_=
It’s Josh we’re talking about, if that answers the question. 😀
It does. *facepalm*
ahhh there’s the action we all came for!
Yeah, the Josh climbing scenes are always fan favorites.
Not as much as the “Josh falls and hurts himself”-scenes.
True. You can’t go wrong with those! 😀
I think “Josh gets smacked upside the head with a security briefcase” ranks up there pretty high too.