Honeycreeper page 15

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Time for a 3some with Lana! Get 3 classic Spying with Lana comics at 1 really low price with new discount comic bundles!
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There’s better odds on one of the Chief’s plans working out.
This does seem like a plan he would approve of! 😀
Wow that was a quick bait and switch
Surely this plan will work better than the last! 😀
they won’t escape
If Fi’s helping them, what could go wrong? 😀
Wait a minute…did Lana ?!? That was a fast paced change of clothes.
It’s one of those additional Fi’s that get slapped on everywhere nowadays! 😀
Wait, wait. They’re not even paying you?
I say turn the lot of them in for the reward, dear. Enough’s enough.
It’ll probably be weeks before that thought occurs to her! 😀
Isn’t this where we came in?
Hey, if at first you don’t succeed…
You just know Lana’s going to take these clowns again—especially if Fiona’s involved.
Yes, with friends like Fi, they don’t need enemies! 😀