I recently changed Spying with Lana’s update schedule from updating a half-page twice a week, to updating a whole page once a week. It’s the same amount of comic per week either way, but I wanted to ask you folks who are good enough to read my comic if you like the change, or if you prefer it the old way.
[yop_poll id=”1″]
So Lana’s spy agency is using dead drops. Just like a real agency would!
Ah, their trying to be competent…although a dead drop with handcuffs and baby oil seems awfully specific for missions.
Will Ashley the pilot respond? And is Ashley a boy or a girl?
We’ll see Ashley in the next page. The agency’s attempts at competency are seldom too successful, and since they sent Ashley to help Lana, we’ll just have to see how that turns out.
Lovely art as always. I liked the way you updated before. But I’m open minded.
Thank you!
Going deeper into the bush……
I’m sure the brambles must hurt, digging into Lana’s skin.
Ah, such is the life of a spy in a second-rate agency.
She’s got a great “outfit” on! Good job on the first panel.
Thank you! I appreciate it!