Slippery When Wet page 13

It’s back! The 2nd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet!
In this event, Lana’s teaming up with other sexy characters around the internet for a hot summer swap! First up: Princess Sephni from Delve!
Vote for Spying with Lana on Top Webcomics to see my picture of the sultry Sephni and learn more about the sexy goings-on in the Delve….
…and visit to see a hot new picture of Lana by Andrew Hunter!
Don’t forget to check out even more hot stuff on Andrew’s Patreon page!
“Your doom.
I am your doom.”
That’s about right! 😀
Well that was nice of Lana. I guess she enjoyed the fight 🙂
Nothing like a little token of appreciation! 😀
I’m surprised the Captain had enough presence of mind to ask after Lana. I would have been insensate for quite a while!
That’s why they made her captain! 😀
Lana’s just gotten so used to it being a requirement of the assignment that it’s become a habit.
Hey, no reason to break the streak! 😀
There’s nothing quite as good as the taste of ginger!
😀 😀
Lana has a thing for redheads?
Also, if i were Midge i would probably be asking the exact same thing. 🙂
Well, Lana was moving ginger-ly.
if there were witnesses, now Captain Midge will be a suspect
“you helped her!”
“no I didn’t she hit me in the head!”
“then she kissed you!”
“you’re working with her!!”
Yeah, does the kiss cancel out the hit on the head? I real question for the ages! 😀
my girlfriend says, and I quote
“a kiss doesn’t cancel out a blow to the head, but it’s a good start….”
oh and she wants Lana’s phone number. should I be worried?
No, no reason to worry. Watch your back? Yes. Worry? No.
Lana: Allow me to awaken your inner lesbian!
😀 😀
Lana, you Clit Teaser!
😀 😀
Well placed tie 🙂
That’s the difference between a high-quality tie and a cheap one, or so I hear. 😀
Is Lana alright? It’s not like her to kiss and not tell.
Yeah, she’s usually all about the telling part!
I had a gf long ago who was a fitness fanatic. After or during a workout she got super horny. She said once her blood was pumping she needed a thumping. No really, she was also a cornball.
She could have made a lot of money doing ads for her gym! A testimonial like that can go a long way. 😀
“Yes boss, I’m quitting. I’m going to work for whatever agency that spy works for.”
She might want to think twice about that! 😀
Yeah, she would be better off working for the spy herself!
Whoa, is this the first time Lana’s kissed a girl when it wasn’t required for an assignment?
What’s required and what’s not can be kind of a gray area in these sorts of situations. 😀
Lana says, “I’m the bad girl of your dreams”
And she might be right!
If she wasn’t before, she is now.
“At least give me your number!”
Yeah, really! 😀