Slippery When Wet page 15

The 2nd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is taking a dark turn with Tiffany from Exiern: Dark Reflections!
…and visit to see hot new pictures of Lana by ace Exiern artist Antipus! Also check out more Dark Reflections and other exclusive comics on Exiern’s Patreon page!
Dude needs more sun. He is pasty.
He needs to get out of the lab more, and now’s his chance!
Y’know sometimes you gotta feel sorry for Lana, she’s gotta sleep with all these trolls and idiots, usually for stupid reasons too. James bonds saving the world from space lasers and she’s taking it from behind from a dumbass so she can get a lab report. Girl needs to start looking for a new job.
Basically I’m saying I wanna see Lana in space. Space boobs Sean, space boobs.
Space boobs. I’ll make a note of it.
C’mon, he’s already doing Elf boobs, one genre at a time. Guys got kids to send to college, after all…
.. and even if he doesn’t…
Elf boobs in space. I’ll make a note of that too.
Spy elf boobs in space. Cover the whole 9 yards
ok, so while we don’t know how much time between this and Lana escaping the compound after likely triggering the alarm, it doesn’t seem like a long amount of time. Can we just take a moment to appreciate just how quickly Lana squeezed herself into that pleather body condom of a suit?
Yeah, now that’s a special spy skill!
Talcum powder, Hiredgoon, lots and LOTS of talcum powder. Especially in the boob area…
A good spy never leaves home without it.
Lana sez: Your organization is compromised. I’ll just –aah!– shag you all into submission!
It could work!
Why do the doctors have finnish names?
Well, before I could draw the pages, I had to finnish the script.
…sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done. >_<
That’s mostly what I do on weekends anyway.
Interesting twist in the plot: these lab guys have Finnish names (Makkinen and Leskinen, although the first one has an extra “k” in it).
Apparently it’s an international operation. Not a good operation, but an international one.
Bet the security lady is jealous.
It would probably be the first time anyone has been jealous of that guy!
Ten’ll get you twenty that Lana also fucked the boss.
Lana’s had a busy night, but not that busy!
Shocked, I am.
I am so shocked.
*sarcasm mode OFF*
Yes, I’m sure everyone’s quite agog with wonder.
Maybe it’s just me, but the boss seems to be on to something…
You know, you just might be right about that.
If he is on to something, then he is part of the rare group of intelligent bosses that exist in Lana´s world.
It appears that Dr. Leskinin was also onto something…
Talk about being caught in a compromising position.