Soft as Steel page 22

Something’s fishy in Foxi-land! The Cahds are back in a brand new weekly comic!
Foxi’s planning a big birthday bash for her friend Claire, but a harem of harebrained hoodlums is crashing the party! Can our festive Fox finagle these feckless and felonious femmes while floating her fete to a fabulous finish?
Hey, what’s a good party without sex and violence anyway? Check in every Friday on Patreon to see how Foxi plays her Cards!
“But not by very much.”
“Your performance, however, has been panned.”
😀 😀
“…jumped ahead of Sherri…”
Wow, talk about hard dislike. It takes effort to surpass Sherri on Lana’s lists.
Yeah, in a way it’s quite an accomplishment!
I’m going to guess that “effort” is the main requirement there. People actively trying to kill Lana go higher on the list than people like Sherri, who are only passively dangerous to Lana.
“I’ll take frying pan to the face for $100, Alex…errrrr…Sean.”
Nurse Nell already did! 😀
That was the frying pan-bit.
I am still holding out for some more lady-on-lady fire.
– innocent smile –
Well, Lana seem to have this well in hand.
Of course, Sherri is still alive which means she is probably messing up the mission in her own special way. Making Steel choke on her sandwich or something would be my guess.
Anything that Sherri could mess up, she probably will! 😀
She learned the hard way to never bring a knife into a skillet fight
Yes, the skillet is mightier than the sword!
Usually HEAVIER, Sean…
Damn this nurse sure is polite.
You can always tell when someone’s been raised right. 😀
Yes she is a different class of foe.
It’s a shame she couldn’t take out Nell and Sherri with one swing!
She would’a if she could’a! 😀
Certainly looks like a big enough skillet.
The metaphors…….the metaphors
We’re spoiled for choice! 😀
FWAPP! Is that the sound of a well placed toe rupturing an implant?
Fwapps are so hard to interpret! 😀
Sounded like A-flat like in size A.