Soft as Steel page 27

Let’s all call it a win! No time to celebrate the victory, though; Lana’s new case Call Girl starts next week!
–Llana the Elf Spy is finds out what her “important” mission is really about!
–Georgia the Gorgeous Gorgon knows how to sooth the savage cyclops- and in ain’t music!
-In Foxi’s Gang, the Cods got to Foxi’s party, but will they be trying to get their hands on the valuable jewels or on Foxi?
–TRANSITtime, the story of the sexiest and most mysterious train ride ever, is now a PDF e-comic!
-Plus, see bonus pinups, cartoons and comics with Lana, Foxi Merlot and the Cods!
Get it all plus an archive of almost 2000 posts right now on Patreon!
Lana’s adding injury to insult! She’s such a ‘hard’ worker!
She takes no prisoners, even when she’s taking prisoners! 😀
“Sugar coated stuff”
Also, Lana used EL KABONG. It was very effective
It usually is very effective! 😀
There are people who would pay Lana to tie them up like that while she was wearing an outfit as shredded as the current one.
That could be a good side hustle for her! 😀
Yeah, but the Chief would try to cut into her profits.
Doesn’t he always! 😀
Lana’s dress is a true trooper. Still somehow hanging in there. 🙂
That’s quality workmanship for you!
Jay Jay waking up in a cell, “Groan…..Well, thanks for the mammaries.”
😀 😀
Lana looks just so happy on panel 3…
She loves it when a plan comes together! 😀
Which means that the Chief failed to pass on some info about something unique to Steel that Jay Jay didn’t know which means the whole plan falls apart.
But it’s nice to see Lana happy for a moment.
I don’t think Lana cares at this point! Let the Chief sort it out! 😀
well this is a win her at least
At this point, I think that’s all she cares about! 😀
I’m guessing the nurse will go back to killing the guy?
Not much point in that now. Besides, think how expensive it would be to buy another gallon of poison! 😀
improvise. adapt. overcome.
3 things Lana is good at….
Can’t argue with that! 😀
Steel would have done something about Jay Jay’s betrayal if it weren’t for his low blood sugar!
He’s clearly low on carbs, too.
Well, at least he didn’t get the iron skillet.
Yes, Sherri’s thick skull took all the use out of it!
See? What’d I tell you?
A handy quality! 😀