Soft as Steel page 4

The 5th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is picking up steam! Next to visit us is marvelous maverick cop Madison from hot action manga comic Danger Zone One! Vote on TopWebcomics to see more of this gorgeous gun-toting gal….
….and check out to see what Lana’s getting up to!
I think it’s a given that the Chief’s plan is flawed in some way. The real question is, what does Nurse Nell look like without the uniform?
If the plan is too flawed, we may find out! 😀
I have a feeling he’ll live up to that moniker…
They don’t just hand out nicknames like that to anyone! 😀
So will this case end like the spider’s kiss?
You never know! Claude could be lurking anywhere!
Well he does have a right to bail.
This plan almost makes sense.
The Chief…….
Now that’s scary! 😀
Any bets on Jay Jay and Nurse Nell being worked over by Lana so they are asleep when the grab happens?
Of course I fully expect that the trail will be washed out in a few places, meaning Lana and mini-maid have to return to the villa each time. End result will be Steel having too many concussions to be useful
I suspect there’ll be plenty of headaches to go around! 😀
Pretty sure the only thing that’s gonna work in the “foolproof” plan is to make Steel horny and drunk…love the Chief’s art btw…Chief’s interpretation of Lana looks cute in that ?
Thank you! 😀
Yes, can a fool make a foolproof plan?
Of course a fool can make a foolproof plan. Only type person who can. Unfortunately the plan falls apart when it encounters anyone who is NOT a fool.
They might be in luck, then! 😀
No-one’s seen Satil in a couple of years. Hopefully he hasn’t gotten hugely fat in that time!
Did the Chief draw that cartoon himself?
The Chief could have hidden cartooning skills. He certainly doesn’t have spy skills! 😀
It would be bad luck to ask what could go wrong, but this is the Agency, they had bad luck to start with
They make their own bad luck! 😀
Too simple. It’s guaranteed to fail!!
Which makes it a perfect Agency plan! 😀