Super Spies Killed the Video Star page 11

Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is heating up!
The 7th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is rocking on with a visit from the super sexy babes (and their favorite IT specialist) from Super Rivals exxxciting spinoff comic Wonderburgh Exposed! While Awesome Girl and her reluctant sidekick Latex Scorpion battle supervillans, Byron has become the it IT specialist in town, and his sexy clients want him to satisfy a lot more than their computer repair needs!
Click here to see what’s cooking in Wonderburgh….
And check out what Lana’s getting up to on! Also be sure to check out Super Rivals on Patreon for uncut Wonderburgh Exposed and Savage Sword of Sharona comics!
Lana as a stewardess!!! This has unlocked a fantasy I didn’t even know I had!
Looks like General Bazouk feels the same way! 😀
Lana always has what you need
She’s got the knack!
And definitely the rack
That too! 😀
All of these generalissimos and presidents-for-life must blur together after a while.
They must all shop at the same store! 😀
I sometimes wonder how much easier Lana’s life would be if some of those extremely inept agency leaders would talk to each other on occasion, specifically to avoid foul-ups like this.
Of course they will not do this because;
1. They are VERY inept.
2. We sort of love seeing Lana handle assorted tribulations in her own special way!
True, I don’t think that having the Chief do more negotiation would be a positive change! 😀
I’m ending THIS kind of corruption because THAT kind of corruption benefits me. God I love flying on foreign air ways they always have the best stewardesses.
This one is known for its stewardesses! At least it will be soon! 😀
Seems Lana knocked that one chick down a few pegs.
That beehive hairdo and the scowl look familiar…
Citra never seems to be enjoying her day! 😀