Super Spies Killed the Video Star page 17

Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is burning hot!
The 7th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is rolling on with a visit from Typh & Peonie from action packed fantasy comic Exiern!
Click here to see Typh and Peonie in action….
And check out what Lana’s getting up to on! Also be sure to check out Exiern on Patreon for much more!
And once again Lana demonstrates that you can’t win a fight without getting rid of those pesky tops.
It’s the first rule of fighting! 😀
Lana is almost guaranteed to win because:
She has the best boobs,
She has the best tan
Nuttin’ like the best for the best.
And her name’s in the title; three strikes they’re out! 😀
Wow, they know how to fight. And when.
Yes, they’re really throwing down!
I hope Gemma & Mel’s health insurance covers damaged breast implants. I already know Lana got combat models (she’s gotten in too many fights & been boob-punched too many times not to).
Special spy-grade models, no doubt! 😀
Lana specializes in 1960s Batman tv show fighting
Whatever works! 😀
Great usage of sound effects for this update and here’s hoping that the girls will relax once rtf this is over and done with.
Thank you! It’s entirely possible!
It takes a special amount of confidence to shoot your shot to a hitwoman in the middle of a job.
Yes, you can’t say he’s not trying! 😀
In the words of the great Wayne Gretzky, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!
Right! It could have worked! 😀
And it’s not like she said no…
Yes, there’s still a chance! 😀
Spies who specialize in getting their asses whooped.
Maybe they’ll turn it around! 😀
In fairness, they’re doing better than most.
If Lana’s back hadn’t been strengthened by years of ….. weight lifting, that back shot in the first panel could have been a fight-ender.
They’re hanging in there! 😀
Gemma and Mel should have trained harder for today.
That, or they should have brought tasers.
Yes, that would have been a good idea! 😀
Their boss brought a big gun, not sure what she’s waiting for. I swear I don’t know why people keep trying to engage Lana in hand-to-hand combat when they’ve got ranged weapons available…
Perhaps she just needs a clear shot! We’ll see what she can manage. 😀
She might not want to get her minions / friends caught in the crossfire.
Like a typical villain, she might want to kill Lana slowly and painfully, too.