Super Spies Killed the Video Star page 30

Georgia’s latest exxxciting saga of sexy serpentine silliness is now on sale!
Georgia’s on vacation for a little r&r, but when she does a little sightseeing in the recently revived Dark Pharaoh’s pyramid of doom, and the monstrous Dark Pharaoh gets an eyeful of our mischievous medusa, she can forget relaxing! It’s nonstop fun and sweaty excitement as Georgia gets friendly with the locals and takes in the big attractions!
That’s a great thing about Lana, no matter what side you’re on she’s a great head banger
Quite true! 😀
Ahh… that was priceless.
Let’s hope Uncle Tony has good insurance or a good sene of humor! 😀
so, a “Ming” Vase to go with the Louis the 17th Table?
This is not a good day for low-rent antiques! 😀
Very true comment, Lana does blow my mind. Wonderful way to go. Can’t wait to see how this all ends, and get the complete story!!!
Thank you very much!
Re: voting incentive — In very old imagery, witches rode brooms with the bristles pointing forward. It was a sexual symbol, probably thought up by ‘learned’ men who didn’t get out in the fresh air enough. They also often depicted witches in the nude, to symbolize their wicked and licentious nature.
… Come to think of it, Lana might fit right in, apart from the rumoured Devil-worship.
At the very least, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind pointing the bristles forward.
Of course, this way is more aerodynamic and reduces drag, and the Coanda effect of the air flow over the handle creates downforce on the rear bristles, inproving cornering speeds and fuel efficiency!
Talk about a knockout ending to this temporary truce.
Lana was using her head to get rid of the police, and now she’s using Rossy’s head for target practice! 😀
Guess it was too good to last.
That kid should get something for his trouble.
Perhaps the Agency could spring for a new Louis the 17th something-or-other.
A reminder to us all that – although it’s visually a very aesthetic angle in Rossy’s case – you should never ever ever turn your back on Lana. She is a mean girl.
And a good aim! 😀
That is not the only thing she blew!
She’s a full-service spy! 😀
Poor kid isn’t getting any! Although that second cop is hilarious.
He’s the only one enjoying the situation!
Be a good sport, Lana, give him something to “Handle”
I’m sure the situation will settle down now! 😀