Super Spies Killed the Video Star page 33

Georgia’s 2nd exxxciting saga of sexy serpentine silliness is now on sale at the biggest discount ever!
A mighty cyclops has put the village in fear! Can our sexy snake siren Georgia find a way to smooth relations and sooth the savage monster? The only way to find out is to read it for yourself!
Lana sure can think on her feet. And her back. And kneeling. And her hands and knees. And so on and so on…
It’s her best quality! 😀
I think the king is about to shoot himself a movie.
I hope Lana leaves without a car. =_=
We’l see how her plan unfolds!
The enemy of my enemy is my temporary ally or three. Maybe it’s them putting their differences aside and working together in a way to get out of this mess they’re in ?
That and they sort of owe that poor kid a great big favor for bringing him into their original situation as an unwilling participant.
Lana’s definitely cooking up something but it’s not yet clear what it is!
I love Gianni trying to shoo the twins away like stray cats.
Nothing else has worked so I guess it’s worth a try! 😀
I’m guessing whatever Lana proposed has to do with the king.
The king doesn’t know what he’s in for! 😀
The king might be about to have a royal pleasuring. And if Lana is clever (and she is), she will leave the twins and Roxy to keep working over the king while she takes the car and leaves. Perhaps she will take the kid with her and send him all the way through puberty in one night?
😀 😀
Lana looks at Sean “You gonna pay me for this ?”
😀 😀
Sex tapes have way too much power at the UN.
Who’d have guessed? 😀
King Panajana the 4 way master
I love the look of amusement in the last panel. “Aw, aren’t you two cute.”
Thanks very much! 😀