What she really needs to do is hire him even if things don’t work out, he’s already managed to be more competent than most people seen thus far, even when he has no idea what’s going on.
I’d expect him to wake up in Nice, Italy with a locked briefcase chained to his wrist and an address written on the back of his hand, and yet still manage to do a 70% better job than the competition.
Those 2 faces… For Lana just a hard workday, some extra time invested in “office” hours. For Nico, well, his expression of mistrust and disbelief at Lana’s nonchalance is priceless.
In a way, I kinda feel bad for Lana because, being her day off, this date was (theoretically) not related to work. Kinda hoping that it was just a blind date for her as opposed to “I just scared/pissed off a guy that I was looking forward to dating.”
This is why online dating is a bad idea.
Yeah, they never tell you about this part when you sign up! 😀
The poor guy’s earned at worst a quickie, Lana. Be a good sport 😀
Let’s not give up on the restaurant idea yet! He may still come around! 😀
He does not look happy.
It’s been a long day. 😀
And now he has a personal nemesis he didn’t want…!
LOL, seriously, the look on his face.
What she really needs to do is hire him even if things don’t work out, he’s already managed to be more competent than most people seen thus far, even when he has no idea what’s going on.
I’d expect him to wake up in Nice, Italy with a locked briefcase chained to his wrist and an address written on the back of his hand, and yet still manage to do a 70% better job than the competition.
It’s definitely worth a try! 😀
(Although as we saw in Best Served Hot, getting hired by Lana isn’t necessarily a plus!)
Am i the only one to imagine that Nico has developed some sort of nervous tick in his eye?
It wouldn’t be surprising at this point! 😀
Clouseau!!! (eye twitches)
😀 😀
Those 2 faces… For Lana just a hard workday, some extra time invested in “office” hours. For Nico, well, his expression of mistrust and disbelief at Lana’s nonchalance is priceless.
Thank you! Yes, it’s been a long day for both of them! 😀
Frankly, Lana, you’ll be fortunate if he drives you back to your place.
You know, instead of just booting you out of his car and going home. <_<
It hasn’t been the best blind date ever, that’s for sure! 😀
I dunno. He got to see an El Camino, that’s gotta be worth something!
True! You can’t argue with that!
In a way, I kinda feel bad for Lana because, being her day off, this date was (theoretically) not related to work. Kinda hoping that it was just a blind date for her as opposed to “I just scared/pissed off a guy that I was looking forward to dating.”
They could *make* the restaurant, but their reservation is toast. Just shag him, Lana! He’s earned it!
It may be too late to salvage the date.