The Reverse Spygirl page 10

Lana’s Big Hot Thicc Casebook is now on sale!
The big 116-page graphic novel that was previously available only on Kickstarter is now on sale at Indyplanet!
Physical and digital copies are available, so if you didn’t get your copy during the Kickstarter campaign, grab one right now right here!
“what if someone sees us?”
trust me honey ain’t no one gonna notice you with Lana up front….
Yes, what’s she worried about? π
Yes, you won. Your reward is boobies.
Not the worst prize one could win! π
I dunno. People are rarely happy with boobie-prizes…
π π
privacy and discrete behavior are always at the top of Lanas to do list ….. and that’s just where they stay as she just never seems to get to them π
Maybe she’s got the list upside down! π
I would happily trade places with Anastacia and held on for dear life thinking very happy thoughts.
It took some time before my mind could think of something besides Lana’s bountiful safety features, but i suddenly started to wonder what happened to the two idiots* with the Tank.
Oh, wait. Something just rumbled into view in the last panel.
Also, i feel Heidi got off comparatively easy when you compare her to some of the other people Lana has fought over the years.
* I’m aware that does not really cut that much down on the pool of suspects, but that they were in a Tank might help.
Yes, as long as they don’t get out of the tank, they’ll be easy to identify! π
As far as Heidi is concerned, what makes you think she’s out of the picture yet? There’s plenty of beating opportunities coming up!
Yes, give it time! π
It is best to take the back roads to avoid being spotted in publicβ¦
Yes, especially when the public is in a tank! π
No one will see much besides Lana.
Probably true! π
Anastasia had better be careful, getting so close to Lana. I’m not sure about succubi, but snakes are usually hungry right after they’ve gone through a molting…
She’s really on a highway to the danger zone! π
I believe those handles have all security atestations and certificates XD
Yes, they’ve been thoroughly checked out and approved! π
Odd, though, that so many ‘inspectors’ have suffered calamity and grievous injury…
Only a coincidence, I’m sure! π
I remain skeptical that you’ve seen Top Gun, Sean.
I’ve seen a movie with a top in it, and I’ve seen a movie with a gun in it! That should count for something!
This one of those cases where 0.5 + 0.5 does not equal 1, Sean.
I did see Inception, which had tops and guns, so that should count for at least 0.75.
Huh. They’re multi-purpose.
And Lana likes finding new uses for them, it seems.
They’re surprisingly versatile! π
Lana got that look like she’s about to finally get the hot librarian space on her sex bingo card.
She seldom loses at that kind of bingo! π
Lana is off to the races!
Meanwhile Heidi should try a new career.
Yes, pretty much!
Hold onto those handles!
Yes, safety first! π
But normally you don’t grab the airbags?
I guess it’s different with motorbikes! π