The Reverse Spygirl page 13

–Llana the Elf Spy is getting into the season, and also making two sexy orc babes and their boyfriend merry!
–Georgia the Gorgeous Gorgon is in a delicate position as her match with the burly bronze guards continues! Actually, she’s in a lot of positions….
–Foxi Merlot is getting out the mistletoe and showing why she’s the only gal on the naughty and nice list!
–Not Lana Shorts: Gemma and Mel have hit a snag in their scheme of sex and subterfuge! Will two heads be better than one?
-Plus, see bonus pinups, cartoons and comics with Lana, Foxi Merlot, and the Cahds!
That is a very efficient way of shutting Anastasia up for the duration of the ride.
Lana’s all about efficiency! 😀
I’m assuming Lana is making sure Anastasia stays quiet. Yeah. We’ll go with that.
Yes, that’s gotta be it! 😀
What about people who mess around in not their trucks?
Well that’s perfectly fine! 😀
See, I knew it was a good time to be Anastasia.
That’s for sure! 😀
Well one way or another at least this time their hiding spot will not be given away…
Lana will make sure of that! 😀
Anastasia was feeling down, but now Lana is feeling her up
It’s been a very full day for Anastasia! 😀
They’re no match for Lana’s evasion techniques! And neither is Anastasia!
Always full of surprises, our Lana!
Lana’s being rather aggressive with Anastasia, isn’t she.
Lana knows how to handle a Debbie Downer! 😀
But it’s her fault that Anastasia was feeling ‘down’ in the first place! *sigh*
She just needs to get used to Lana’s style of rescuing!
If you’ve gotten used to Lana’s style of rescuing, you are either deeply unfortunate or a hardcore masochist. :-/ She has skills, but her rescues are pretty rough as far as I’ve seen.
Make out in the back of a truck that’s one way to lose them.
It’s the solution only Lana would think of! 😀
Did they make it to the boy toy’s house?
Not yet. Still in the back of the truck!
and in no hurry to get out?
Yes, I’d say that’s true! 😀