The Tarantula Hawk’s Kiss page 19

It’s that time again! Fools Day is back with a brand new chapter featuring some familiar fools- er, faces from Lana’s past! For the next four weeks, you can vote for Lana on to read new pages of the sexy and silly Fools Day saga! Click here to check out the latest page…
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Greeeeeat! Segue!! Sean!!!
Artsy and fartsy, even…
Artsy and fartsy is what we do around here!
Hmm, a new type of raindance….And it seem to work! 😀
We knew they’d perfect it eventually! 😀
Hey, I recognize that dream. I knew keeping Alexa in the bedroom was a bad idea.
😀 😀
Came for the sex, stayed for the amazing artwork.
Well, that and the sex….
Thank you! Much appreciated! 😀
I think this is where the drugs kicked in. Either that or their love making was so passionate and intense it broke reality for a sec.
I blame Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.
The art is great but in terms of story I’m a little…..”What?”
It’s that kind of story! 😀
That kinda gave me the old style Bond feel!
Thank you! I appreciate it!
Agreed with Robert – Very “Spy Who Loved Me” apropos.
Thank you!
(Comment too short and not accepted.) So much for one word summaries.
I thought it summed it up pretty well! 😀
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in Lana’s thights,
No escape from reality
Easy come, easy go,
little high, little low…. 😀
Just when we think Sean has reached peak artiness, he goes all “You have not yet even glimpsed my final form”.
Stunning. Will there be a poster/print?
Thank you! That’s really nice!
It’s accurate, too. ?
Thank you!
Surreal and beautiful! Wow!!!
Thank you! Much appreciated!
To sleep, perchance to dream… of Lana.
Talk about a wet dream! 😀
Trippy girl Lana lost of acid was dropped on this page.
All that rain has gone to their heads! 😀