
This week on Patreon:
Read next week’s Spying with Lana page early! Plus sexy pinups, sketches and WIP pics!


Llana’s negotiation techniques seem to have satisfied the beastmen! But her rival’s ready get get down and dirty to turn the tables! Who’ll get a happy ending?

Foxi makes a great muse for an artist, but his wife doesn’t seem a-muse-d!


Gloria and Gabby have decided to kiss the of wild parties and wilder sex of Isla Torrida nightlife goodbye and explore the culture and history of the island for a change. But will Torrid Island have other ideas?

Georgia’s duel of debauchery with a mighty warrior has left her hungry for a new adventure! What will tickle our merry medusa’s fancy next?


See all this and more on Patreon!

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