Lana is looking exceptionally good in that white top, and would have a promising career in adult entertainment if she ever left The Agency (as seen on the big screen).
Welp, maybe that’s why Lana has the tape, and Princess Poundage is surprised.
“Extort” is such an ugly word.
Besides, Lana’s more like a X-Tart. Or XXX-tart.
Lana is looking exceptionally good in that white top, and would have a promising career in adult entertainment if she ever left The Agency (as seen on the big screen).
So James wasn’t completely wrong about nothing going on.
Although not completely right either.
That’s probably pretty good by James’ standards.
So she is a low income Royalty who must carry her own gun, but it is nice to know she has had access to some seriously perky perks.
That’s for sure!
so, how many countries would pay their GDP to get ahold of that tape? I can certainly think of a few
good thing Lana has it, if the Chief had it I’m sure there’d be an auction going on at the moment
No doubt!
Welp, maybe that’s why Lana has the tape, and Princess Poundage is surprised.
“Extort” is such an ugly word.
Besides, Lana’s more like a X-Tart. Or XXX-tart.
Lana’s pounds are definitely in the right places!
That’s for sure!
So that’s why she’s so good, she re-watches her work. Like Rocky… Or Barney Stinson.
Hey, all the greats watch game film!
Dangit Sean! You sure had us fooled! We thought it was live but you gave us Memorex!
Nothing like a strategic review of gameplay technique though, eh?
That’s right!
Clever twist!
Also, Lana’s got a GREAT cleavage window today <3
Wardrobe is one of the few Agency strong points!
More likely they couldn’t afford a whole shirt.
That, too!
To be fair, when it comes to full shirts, it would take extra money to cover Lana’s territory.