Animal Instincts Part 2: Twilight of the Cods page 5

June is here, and that means it’s time for the 3rd annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet! Comics all over the internet are trading places for hot fun in the sun!
First to visit is Latex Scorpion from the pages of Super Rivals! Click here to see a LOT more of the sultry supervillain-turned-reluctant hero…
…and go to to see a super hot new pic of Lana by John Harrington!
Never go hand-to=hand with Lana. She always mistakes it for foreplay.
Which keeps things interesting!
Bitch is gonna get served
I’d say that’s more than likely.
Now this is how Real House wives of NJ should have gone down
It might have gotten me to watch!
The posing in the last panel is REALLY well done!! all the things going on there with arms and legs and just the general posing of the characters, and you drew it perfectly. And I’ve already said it, but this look has got to be my favorite look for Lana to date!
Hey, thanks! I’m really glad you like it!
Nice wrasstling! Is she going for a Guillotine Choke from a side control position? Wanna bet one of them goes for the Rear Naked Choke?
(See minute 5 of ….
There is a strong chance of naked choking!
Lana remains to be seemingly unconcerned, amused even.
That is probably a bad sign for the ‘cods’.
Yes, although I don’t think they’re much good at noticing bad signs.
lana”aww how cute you thought you could teach me something. prepare to become the student”
This could be a tough lesson!
Well, gals, your choppa’s not showin’ anything ’cause is Lana’s job to show some skills… and some skin
This may not be a great days in the history of the Cards.
Nice try Choppah. Exposing her breasts to gain an advantage when she covers them. Bad luck, Lana is not shy to fight topless.
Well, scratch that tactic off the list.
If Choppah really thinks that would work, she must be a… boob.
I think Lana can… nip this one in the bud.
Some people, men mostly, would pay good money to be manhandled (as it were) like Lana is doing to Pinkie in the last panel.
True! As we saw in the last story, some have even offered Lana a lot of money for the priveledge!
Did Lana take them up on the offer of pay for domming them? imo the Chief is underpaying her for what she does, and she could use that money to go one a vacation (one that doesn’t get hijacked by revolutionaries).
Lana doesn’t seem to have much luck with vacations!
The Cards seem to have one brain between them, Lana should take over the gang.
Yes, but once she did, what would she do with them?
Make a few deals.
I think they’re a deck full of jokers.
Use them as labor, perhaps? Lana could train them, and as talented as Lana is, even she can’t be in two places at once.
I suppose they’re about on par with most Agency hires.
Predicting sexx0rz in 3…..2…..1….
Well then! Looks like our dear Lana is going to be busting out, literally.
And busting heads. LOVE the expressions on her face, Sean – she’s really enjoying this, isn’t she??
If you enjoy what you’re doing, then it’s not work, is it…
Work hard, play hard; that’s our Lana!
(announcer voice) Lana’s got Choppah in a choke hold! Choppah is exposing her breasts but that only makes Lana stronger!
And the crowd goes wild! (Of course, they were pretty wild to begin with!)
Not as wild as in nineteen ninety eight, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table!
Hopefully Chopper can avoid being broken in half.
Have a nice day! Bang bang!
She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak!