Chaotic Neutral page 4

The 4th annual Lana’s Sexy Summer Swapmeet is rocking on! Our next hot house guest is Ronni from Giant Girl Adventures!
Click here to see a smoking hot new pic of this statuesque stunner, and don’t forget to check out Giant Girl Adventures for an appearance by Lana!
Also, for lots more super-sized suspense and humongous hijinks, check out Giant Girl on Patreon!
This does give a fresh new meaning to the whole saying: “Slippery when Wet!”
That’s for sure!
I just realized something. First panel: Imagine him older. His hair is cut real short, got a bald spot starting and he has a 5 o-clock shadow. He looks like a college jock Bruce Willis!
Oh yeah, I see what you mean!
If Lana was ever into tribbing this would make it extra fun.
Cooking oil has a surprising number of uses!
This actually reminds me of an old Mickey Mouse-comic, in which Goofy tries to make it as a professional wrestler. He asks Mickey to be his trainer and manager, and actually comes up with a fairly bright idea; right before every match, he coats himself in oil, allowing him to just slip out of his opponent’s grip, thanks in no small part to his thin and wiry physique.
Goofy makes a real name for himself, using his alias: the Eel.
Then one evening, he faces an unlikely opponent: a small, dumpy-looking little man with a drooping moustache and a hangdog face. Goofy goes to tackle him … and is manhandled all over the place and basically tied up in a knot. He loses the match so badly that he can kiss his chances of ever wrestling professionally again goodbye.
Being Goofy, he takes it like a good sport. But while Mickey is untangling Goofy from himself, he does ask: “Gosh, Mickey. Who was that guy?”
Mickey replies: “I think he said he’s a fisherman by trade, Goofy. An eel fisherman.”
Oh cool! Some of those comics were really funny! That one’s new to me, but I used to enjoy reading them too.
yeah Lana is a natural for oil!
That’s right!
Well, there went his brainpower, straight south
Not that he had a lot to start with!
One thing for sure, Lana is a MASTER (okay, MISTRESS) if improvisation.
Slicker’n goose grease on a hot hot griddle! “Catch me, if you can!”
And they thought she couldn’t get into trouble in the pantry!
Ohhh, they slipped up big time.
And the slipping up has just begun!
I’m getting flashbacks of the county fair…but the greased piglets didn’t look near that good!
That’s for sure!
She’ll be harder to catch now, but it will be much more fun to try!
That’s true!
I love how Lana uses her being naked as a asset, “Iam naked locked in a pantry how do I fight back?” *Sees cooking oil* “Score!”
Apparently they were wrong about the pantry being a safe place to put her!
Ah, yes. The good’ol ‘Sleep-in-Slip-out’ tactic to avoid capture, but skipping the ‘Sleep-in’ part entirely since she’s on vacation. So Lana.
Right! This is still technically a vacation!
Tune in next week for the thrilling episode. “FUN, FUN, FUN!”
Lots of thrills and spills incoming!
She’ll just fry right out of there.
Oil agree with that!
Someone ought to play ‘Chicken Run’ as everyone tries to catch Lana.
By that I meant the Benny Hill theme.
Yes, seems appropriate!
Is that how she got her A in home economy?
Oh man what what if she was actually skilled there instead!
Can’t we do some slippin’ in first Lana?
No such luck!
If Lana were a Pathfinder character, she’d be a Ninja with Catch off-guard, Throw anything and Improvised weapon mastery, a bunch of Style feats, and high ranks in Bluff and Escape artist.
That sounds about right! And I think her opponents are going to have some heavy negative modifiers on their dexterity checks soon…
I could think of no better time to share the greatest moment in TV history with you all given the content of this particular page.
Lube Man is a living legend!
Who will watch the Watchmen when they slip out of sight?
She didn’t want to be late, so she made herself oily.
Yeah, I know: I’ll see myself out.
That’s a good one, so I’ll let it slide this time.
resourceful…that’s a pretty slick move!
She’s a slippery one all right!