Nice of Lana that she is taking a break from her passion to let him talk about his passion. She looks surprisingly interested. It could’ve been worse. Both of them looks to have fun.
Great, next morning he’s going to wake up late and all his baseballcards will be sold.
For $2,50 each*, even when the value is much higher.
*Probably to his boss.
From the way he’s describing the flaws, it seems like he never had any protective sleeves.
I dunno though…Do you think that Lana had considered getting a protective sleeve for him?
She knows how to please a man.
She doesn’t kinkshame!
That’s right! When it comes to pleasing men, she’s Topps! I mean, tops!
Couldn’t help yourself, could you, Sean…
Nope, I fought the bad joke urge, and the urge won.
Nice of Lana that she is taking a break from her passion to let him talk about his passion. She looks surprisingly interested. It could’ve been worse. Both of them looks to have fun.
Yes, maybe this mission will actually go well for a change!
Kind of cute she stops to hear him talk about his passion, kind of indulging him, and doesn’t make it seem like she doesn’t care.
True. Lana never forgets her manners!
When you *know* he’s thinking about baseball instead…
That’s right!
Well, he DOES have a bat and two balls on him… *SHOT*
Lana seems at least mildly interested by the card talk.
I suppose there are worse ways to spend downtime between uh, rounds.
Yeah, it could be golf cards!
Aw, man. And I just got my Jack Nicklaus from his first trip to the Masters…
Maybe if you found a card of Jack Nicklaus playing baseball?
Lana’s like, “More upper right panel, less bottom left”
Yeah, there are only so many stories about price guides that one’s willing to hear in one night!
that’s the 4 panel version of a Baseball game, complete with a 7th inning stretch
let’s hope for Lana’s sake that he got some hits in, hate to have her go home shut out
Well done, well done.
Who’s calling the strikes and balls??
I’m sure plenty would volunteer to umpire.
Well, first things first.
Right! Priorities!
First served, first come.
With Lana, that’s how it works!
Great, next morning he’s going to wake up late and all his baseballcards will be sold.
For $2,50 each*, even when the value is much higher.
*Probably to his boss.
Yeah, and that $45 rookie card will be the first to go!
Seems he can pitch 9 straight innings as well, so at least Lana is getting her time worth.
I guess that makes the baseball card stories the seventh inning stretch.
When you bore Lana so much that she’ll have sex with you just to shut you up.
Someone should have tried that before!
I hope they were careful to keep it in the protective sleeve.
… meaning the card, of course.
Right! Forgetting that would be a real rookie mistake!
From the way he’s describing the flaws, it seems like he never had any protective sleeves.
I dunno though…Do you think that Lana had considered getting a protective sleeve for him?
Any player will tell you how important it is to put your valuables in protective sleeves.
Poor Lana… the things she has to tolerate…
Yeah, I’m sure that in spy training they didn’t tell her about baseball cards.
The ultimate girlfriend.
That’s right!